Preventing Underage Drinking

Raised beer glass in a crowd at a concert setting

Changing the future through conversation

Alcohol should only be consumed by legal drinking age adults. Governments and beverage alcohol companies are collaborating to prevent underage drinking by encouraging everyone to make responsible choices. Here are the facts about the harms of youth alcohol usage, as shared by

Underage and teenage drinking facts

Smiling young woman embracing her friend during a birthday celebration.

Age Matters

Drinking underage negatively affects brain development.

Young man and woman enjoying drinking alcoholic beverage together.

Gender Matters

Women (biological sex) are affected by alcohol faster because of the lower percentage of water in their bodies.

Physical stature matters

Physical Stature Matters

The smaller your physical build, the faster alcohol will affect you, and in lower amounts.

Two  male friends, one older and one younger, smiling after a game of basketball.

Being A Role Model Matters

Be mindful of modeling good behavior for kids, whether a parent or not. If you are a parent, you are the leading influence on your children’s decision to drink or not to drink.

conversations have the largest impacts on teenage drinking